College/Career Preparation
College and career ready students graduate from high school prepared to enter college, career, and life. These college and career ready students are prepared to pursue the future job of their choosing and be successful in their career decisions.
KSD students take Career Choices and Explorations classes beginning in middle school. During high school, students take Career and Work Experience classes. Students are instructed on the process of resume writing, job interview skills, and proper work ethics. Students have the opportunities to work on and off campus to explore future job choices. Students are encouraged to complete job shadows and internships in their potential field of choice. KSD provides students with Job Coaches and employment supports to increase successful internship/job placement.
Following the recommendations of the State of Kansas, each KSD student (beginning in the 7th grade) will develop an Individual Plan of Study (IPS) which will be reviewed and/or revised semi-annually. The State of Kansas suggests the following reasons for students to develop an IPS:
- Individual plans of study should be considered a "best practice" for districts, can help all Kansas students obtain a suitable vision of their path toward college and career readiness, and will address the gap between the percentage of students enrolling and the percentage of students earning credit during their first year of enrollment in 2- and 4-year postsecondary institutions.
- Individual plans of study are addressed as part of the "Career Awareness and Guidance" criteria in the current draft version of Kansas' new accreditation model.
- The Kansas State Department of Education can provide support to educators, as well as to vendors of student information systems to ensure that individual plans of study are implemented in ways that will be cost-effective and not unreasonably taxing to students or educators. Click to open the Individual Plans of Study IPS Student.
KSD students have additional opportunities to prepare for future career choices by taking the Transition Into Postsecondary class offered at Johnson County Community College, Dual Placement classes through the Olathe School District, developing and participating in the IPS and IEP process, and participating in the annual KSD College and Career Fair and Olathe Chamber of Commerce Career Expo Fair.

Transition Services
Transition services are offered in order to assist students and families in establishing a vision for the future. The focus of the transition program is students' participation in their community, particularly concerning their residential placement and employment.
- Students, families, schools, and community agencies work as a team to listen and help create experiences to help make these dreams a reality.
- Transition planning is a time when the IEP team, including parents, offers support to the student in making plans for his or her future.
- Transition planning consists of curriculum, services, and supports for students to help them move successfully from school to adult life.
- Transition planning varies among students, because each student has unique needs, strengths, interests, and preferences.
- Following the recommendations of the State of Kansas, each KSD student beginning in the 7th grade will develop an Individual Plan of Study (IPS) which will be revised annually throughout Middle and High School.
- Students and families are vital to the transition planning process-you contribute the most important voices.
- Students have the opportunity to attend the Kansas Student Transition and Academic Readiness program upon completion of high school requirements and agreement of the IEP team. For more information regarding the KSTAR program, Download the Kansas Student Transition and Academic Readiness (KSTAR) Program brochure

As key members of the transition planning team, you and your son or daughter will help the team identify:
- a vision for the future
- the school courses to take
- employment options and experiences
- extracurricular activities to participate in
- different community experiences
- possible community agencies
Transition planning should focus on these issues:
- Assessment specific to transition preferences, needs, strengths, and interests
- Instruction
- Related services
- Community experiences
- Employment
And, if needed:
- Vocational evaluation
- Daily living skills
- Connecting with community agencies

Contact Information
Kelly Grove
Transition and Dual Placement Coordinator
913.210.8131 (voice)
913.712.0275 (videophone)